Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Visit with Uncle Colin!

Having Colin back in Carolina was wonderful. It was like the good ol'days. We laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. We miss Colin so much and wish he was closer, but it's great to know he is happy in Arizona. We're already looking forward to his visit in June and meeting his "Lady Friend" Mary.

A Day of Relaxation

The redeye light freaks Baker out and gives her the "shocked" look.

Baker is such a happy baby when she wakes up.

We had a wonderful day relaxing and visiting with Colin. Our power went out at 5:30 this morning and came back on at 4pm. The heavy rain and wind caused a tree onto the power lines, breaking 2 poles. It is definitely harder to function without power when you a baby. All the warm water was saved for Baker's bottles.

Best Buds!

Last week Baker and I had to pleasure of meeting Miss Emma. She is the daughter of my old college roommate, Kate. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but Baker is exactly 2 months older than Emma. They are the same height. looks like Baker is going to take after her mom, a little on the short side. Baker is just 1 pound heavier than Emma. It already looks like they're going to be best buds!

Baker loves to eat!

This past week Baker started eating solids for breakfast and dinner! I already miss the days of giving her just a bottle. So far her favorite is bananas. It didn't take her long to get use to eating from a spoon. She takes after her mom and dad with her love of eating.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Babbling Baker

Hope this makes you smile!

Friday, March 27, 2009


WOW!! This is the longest I've been without blogging! I have so much catching up to do! Things have been so busy! Trying to be a teacher, mom, and wife can be exhausting! On top of it all, we are getting serious about house hunting! Our lease is up May 31st. I'll catch everyone up tomorrow. Colin is coming from Arizona tomorrow for an unexpected visit! YIPPEE!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Baker nor Kota knew why they were dressed in green day (Kota's sporting a shamrock collar), but it brought an extra smile to my face today. St. Patrick's Day will always mean more to me than shamrocks or leprechauns because it was a year ago today I found out I was pregnant with Baker. A year later, look at the gift I have. Her shirt says Mommy's Lucky Charm and she really is!
These are 0-3 month jeans and they fell off of her when I picked her up. Maybe she'll never have to worry about her weight.
Baker always has her hands in her mouth. She even tries to drink her bottle with a hand in her mouth.

It is precious to see how aware Baker is of Kota. I think she's in love with him. She is very curious about him and loves following him with her eyes. Before I know it she'll be chasing him around.

Bouncy! Bouncy!

We recently introduced Baker to the bouncy seat.'s on the lowest height. She loves the lights and noises it makes. (I love this picture!)
She's starting to get the idea of using her legs!

Baker was a little frustrated in this picture.

Kota's checking things out.
We put her in the seat for a little while each day. She loves to watch us cook dinner.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kota Baby!

You've got to be kidding me!
Where ever Baker is, Kota is not far behind. He is becoming protective of her and loves to give her kisses!

When I look at this picture I can just hear Lacy saying...."Kota, Baker, look at me!" Baker is becoming more aware of Kota and will smile at him and enjoys watching him.

Don't eat the yellow snow! Kota and his buddy Sampson play together every day. Kota's going to miss Sampson when we move. Some days Kota will go sit at Sampson's front door until his mom lets him out to play.

Jogging Stroller

Baker's ready feel the wind in her hair and enjoy some runs with Daddy! Mommy is still in the walking stage.
She was all smiles in her stroller. She's finally big enough to fit in it.

We hope the warm weather is here to stay!

Baker's New Sleeping Position

She loves sleeping with her head turned to the right, cocked back, and mouth wide open. It looks very uncomfortable to me, but doesn't appear to bother her a bit.
To help Baker get a better night's sleep while she's recovering from acid reflux, she sleeps in her bouncy seat. It seems to be working. She no longer wakes up during the night screaming in pain. A few nights a week, I do let her sleep in her crib without the seat. I don't want her getting use to this chair in order to sleep.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Problem Solved! We think!

Well, after 2 days of trying to console Baker, Lacy and I decided that something else besides a stomach virus was wrong with our baby. She is normally not a fussy baby, so after 2 days of listening to her cry we decided to give the doctor another call. Lacy took her to the doctor today. He saw a new doctor since ours was out. The new doc decided that Baker's acid reflux had worsened, so he upped her medicine and told us to give her rice cereal with her milk! I was so excited to hear the words "rice cereal"! I'm hoping it will help her gain some weight and sleep through the night. She only weighs 11.6lbs. I just feel so bad that we had been working to cure Baker for a stomach virus and it was her acid reflux. Poor thing! I know she was ready to kick the pedialyte to the curb and chow down on some formula and cereal!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Baker's 1st Snow!

So Baker...tell us what you really think about the snow!

A quick visit on the front porch was the extent of Baker's 1st exposure to snow since she was still not feeling well. She just can't seem to get rid of the stomach virus. It was a long night last night. The doctor said she could have it for up to a week. Lacy shoveled out the driveway to go out for another pedialyte run.

A Visit With Friends!

Friday night Lacy and I met at Tracey's for dessert and most importantly a visit with Meredith and Chris. Baker stayed at home with my mother-in-law(she was in town for the night) since she was still sick with a stomach virus. We had such a nice time catching up. Time with friends is always good! We did have a little celebration at the fact that I was wearing a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans. We miss Meredith since she moved to the "beautiful" city of Columbia. She has to come back to "God's Country" every few months to soak in it's beauty and eat a delicious meal at Mac's!
(I hate this picture of me! I look like such a dork! Lacy said something funny.)

A Visit to Gainesville

During our visit Baker laughed for the 1st time! It was the most amazing and beautiful sound I have ever heard! I almost cried because it such a joyous moment! She laughed at her grandpa bouncing her up and down on the table. I've tried to get her to do it for me, but have had no luck. I think she was flirting with her grandpa. She did it twice for him.
Baker's Great Grandparents just adore every moment with Baby Baker!

Great Uncle Robert was a little nervous about feeding Baker, but we think he did pretty well for his 1st time feeding a baby!

Irma(sp?) wanted to make sure that Baker was not taking over her space. She was a little curious about Baker and what was in her bottle.

Baker's 1st piano lesson with Grandma. Maybe Baker will be a better musician than her mom was!