Tuesday, October 16, 2012

“Pumpkin Patch Time”, says Baker!

DSC01476It’s so much fun to see Baker enjoy every moment of life!  This was our 3rd year taking her to Denver Downs and each year it only gets better!   DSC01452She went down the slide at least 20 times! DSC01455

The face of determination! DSC01459

This pictures makes me smile each time I see it! DSC01460

These pictures have me a little worried about what’s to come in the years ahead!  She saw a stage and asked if she could “pose” for us! DSC01462 DSC01465

Baker, with Daddy’s help, found our “just right pumpkin”.  Palmer looks excited doesn’t he!  He was wonderful the entire visit.  He had plenty of people watching to keep him entertained!  Just think, next year I won’t be able to keep him contained!DSC01471 Keep your tongue in Baker!  Oh the fun she had on the bouncy pillow.  It was such a joy to see the excitement on Baker’s face as she explored the entire farm.  What a blessing it is to be her parents!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

4 Month Update…Finally!

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Palmer, I’m only 2 weeks late on updating you with all the wonderful things that have done this month.  I’m not sure of your weight and height because your 4 month check-up was rescheduled for next week.  We spent this past month trying to figure out what was making you so unhappy and we discovered that you are allergic to milk.  We hope it’s something you’ll grow out of.  You were crying all the time and needed to be held. Things are much better now!4 months 003

Since changing to a milk free formula you have been so happy and really put on some weight.  We think you’re teething because your hands are always in your mouth. You really want to chew on your feet!  It’s your goal every day!    4 months 004

You’re in size 3 diapers and size 6 to 9 month clothes.  You love to sleep on your left side with your thumb in your mouth. 4 months 009

Your daddy fed you apple cereal for the 1st time and you ate it like it was your job!  You knew exactly what to do and loved every bite.  4 months 012

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