Baker decided to set up at the “beach” to read her bible.
Last week, Baker had a blast at Ms Fain’s Princess Dance Camp. Every day they were introduced to a new princess.
We were so proud of her. At the end of the week, the class put on a performance for the parents. Oh…it was precious!
Palmer was so good! This is what he did the entire time!
The class was large, but the teachers were impressed with how well the kids listened. Every day they danced, made a princess craft and had a snack.
Baker bringing us her crafts she made throughout the week
I’m still in shock that I’m a mother of 2!’s wonderful!
Lauren and Baker were both happy to see Dawson Blair! She’s going to a new daycare and both these girls miss her.
When Baker wasn’t dancing, she was loving on her little brother! She loves to hold him and kiss him!