Monday, June 22, 2009

Lacy's 1st Father's Day!

Baker enjoyed helping me wrap Lacy's gifts. She even enjoyed trying to eat the wrapping paper roll. She puts everything in her mouth! Oh the trouble she's going to get into when she starts crawling.
I just love a barefoot baby in the summer time. I'm really going to make a effort to send Baker to daycare a couple times a week this summer because I'm getting too attached to her. I'm afraid it's going to be too hard to let her go in August when I start back to work. I just love it when she puts her arms up for me to pick her up. I can't help but to pick her up every time. I know it's going to make her rotten. It melts my heart too much just to leave her there!

Lacy really enjoyed his 1st Father's Day. The day was all about him. From the time he woke up we tried to make it extra special because he is such a great dad. We let him relax and watch golf the entire day. That was so hard for me b/c everyone knows how much I LOVE golf. Yahoo! It even lasted until Monday! Now it's onto the College World Series. On Friday, when he picked Baker up from daycare Baker had a Father's Day gift for daddy. It was his footprint beside Baker's, along with a sweet poem. It's a "framer"!

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