Friday, June 5, 2009


Meatloaf has been the name given to Baker's infected ear. Yes!! We made our 1st trip to Urgent Care with Baker on Tuesday night. It all started Saturday with a little scratch on her ear. It was the tiniest little scratch. I never thought anything about it until Monday when I picked her up from daycare. The scratch was a white bubble, like a blister. I started putting Neosporin on it and sent some with her to daycare Tuesday. It had to be reapplied several times since it was located on the top of her ear and would rub on everything. Well...when I picked her up from daycare Tuesday the white bubble was GREEN, very red, and hot! Oh...I called the doctor and she sent me to urgent care after hours. It turns out that little cut led to a staph infection! Baker was not allowed to go to daycare, so on the last day of school Baker joined me! She actually joined everyone else in the school. She really enjoyed strolling to classrooms with the librarian to collect books.

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