Monday, August 17, 2009

9 Month Update

Well I look back on your 8th month of life and as you enter your 9th month, a great way to describe it would be "In like a lamb...out like a lion!". This past month you have really developed into a "little person". Here are some of your highlights...

  • You're putting more syllables together and babble with different pitches and voices all the time. I just know you're going to have a sweet voice!

  • You have not started saying words that we understand, but you are defiantly telling us stories with your own words. Your expressions are so very funny and truly priceless! You have a BIG personality.

  • You are pulling up on everything and crawling everywhere. You've gotten really fast at crawling. We turn around and you're in another room.
  • You've fallen and hit your head many times this month. We've given up on putting ice on all your bumps. It's not your favorite thing.
  • You're learning to stand on your own and are so proud when you do.
  • It's not like you, but you've had some fussy nights. (I'm blaming all the fussy moments on these teeth!)
  • We love playing "chase" with you crawling around the living room (yes..mommy crawls around on the floor, I'm sure it's a sight!).
  • You love playing chase with any ball you come in contact with. It's great entertainment for us and exercise for you.
  • We have to keep you away from Kota's toys. You love his toy basket and all his yucky toys! He never messes with your toys!
  • You love giving open mouth kisses and great big hugs! It warms our hearts to see the love you have for others around you!
  • I know there's so much more...but these are some highlights! (Remember it's my 1st day back to school and my brain is fried!) We're enjoying and treasuring every moment with you! Forever and a day Baker Boo!

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